Feel that chill in the air yet? We don’t know about you, but we can’t wait for a landscape of crisp leaves and apples trees for our next big riding adventure. Hang on, though, as temperatures drop, those tank tops that have been our daily riding staple need to be retired! It’s time to take advantage of autumn's other best feature - clothes! - and combine it with our favorite activity- biking! Here’s a look at some of fall’s best jackets for biking.

The Red Rebel:
You can’t get much cuter than this crimson, unstructured jacket by Betabrand. What’s even better than its on-trend look, however, is its biker friendly technology! Made of waxed cotton, this fall cutie is water and stain resistant; in fact, most splashes and splatters can simply be brushed off! The lined hood and zippered pockets add to its utility, making it great for everyday rides or fall trail trips.

The Wear-to-Work:
Modcloth never fails to turn out amazing fall outerwear, but we love this sleek jacket for a few important bike lover reasons. First off, it’s knit, which means no wrinkles, but more importantly, it’s not heavy, preventing any on-the-way-to-work sweats. Secondly, the sleek, cropped fit is both professional and practical, which means its ideal for any job where biking to work can’t cramp your fashionable look.

The Practical:
If you’re doing serious riding, you already know that jackets can be a no-no because of the heat they generate- and because of their questionable fashion. Thankfully, SkirtSports has come to the rescue with a no-nonsense biking jacket for women that is both functional and adorable. We love both the abstract pattern design and the pretty-but-not-prissy merlot model. Great for windy days, it also boasts a few surprisingly functional pockets and handy thumb-holes to keep sleeves down when you’re really going for the gold.
So which of these fantastic biking jackets will you be sporting as the whole countryside goes to glory? Dare we suggest- all three!