Our Retailer Spotlight of September is Coast in Bikes of Milwaukee. Get to know them and find out what makes them special in this blog post.
Each month we highlight one of our retail partners to get to know them better. If you have a suggestion for a small business that would be a good home for Po Campo, drop us a line and let us know! Support your local retailers! #ShopLocal #ShopSmall
As told by Carolyn (Owner of Coast in Bikes)
1. Tell us a bit about your shop. How long have you been in business? Why did you decide to open a store where you did?
We've been open a little over four years and opened in the Spring of 2013. We decided to open a shop in Walkers Point since there wasn't a bike shop anywhere near the downtown area for 4-5 miles. I saw the Walkers Point neighborhood developing into new emerging area for young professionals and retirees to live in with the new housing developments happening in the area. Also, we are located in the middle of all three major bicycle trails in the Milwaukee area and have access to the west, north and south sides of Milwaukee.

2. What do your customers like best about shopping at your store? What makes Coast in Bikes special?
We focus on lifestyle, commuter, adventure and cargo bikes at the shop. We were the first co-owned female shop to open in the city of Milwaukee and really focus on good customer service. We offer DIY mechanic classes and women only workshops. Customers like that we're not only a shop that focuses on selling bikes and products but also are active in the community in providing support in events such as the Annual Women/Trans/Femme Pussycat Allycat Race, Ladies Revolution mechanic classes, the Winter Bike Party and Forum and three bike camping trips

3. What does Po Campo bring to your product assortment? Why do you like having us in your shop?
Po Campo adds a different mix to our bag and pannier selection at the shop for our female customers. One of our favorite products is the handlebar bag which is not only a great commuter bag but also many of my road bike friends use them on their bikes on our weekly shop ride to be able to bring a bit more on their road bike (and still look stylish!). I'm excited about the new bag line up for 2018 especially the backpack pannier for a more feminine backpack.

4. What's something you're excited about either in the future of your business, your industry, your city, or just in the world in general?
I'm excited that Milwaukee is developing into a city that is fun to play in and to have a business. Cycling is growing rapidly in the city and with almost a 10% bike commuter population, bike shops have room to grow in a new market that is looking for that everyday bike and products that go along with their car-free (or less) lifestyle. I see cargo bikes developing families into being able to get around the city and their neighborhoods without the use of a car and what gives me hope that we'll be kinder to the world in the future as humanity is seeing the kids become lifelong cyclists.
5. Share a short story about a time when something happened at Coast In Bikes and you were like, "Now this is why I do this!". A good experience with a customer, employee, vendor, etc.
I have two short stories that really stuck with me on why I own a bike shop that focuses on good customer service. Recently, I had a woman come in to purchase her first bike in fifteen years for health reasons. She test rode a Linus Mixtie and was so happy she cried about being on a bike for the first time in years and hugged me. This is why we get people on bikes. A second story is during a DIY women mechanic night, one of the women learned how to replace her own brake pads. After doing it by herself successfully, she explained "See! I can do it by myself! My ex-boyfriend was wrong in telling me I couldn't do it by myself!"