Kelly is a bicycling commuter based in Boise, Idaho.  Get to know more about Kelly in this Q&A.  

Note: All images are Kelly's. Follow her on Instagram at @kellypaananen


Tell us your bike story. How did you get into biking? What kind of biking do you do? How do you stay motivated? Do you have any bike goals for 2019?

I started bike commuting to work in 2012. Once we moved a bit closer to my job we sold our car and now we primarily bike to work every day! It's great exercise, great for the environment and we save a ton of money!


Where do you live? What are some of your favorite places to bike there?

Boise Idaho. We are a bike friendly community and the Boise Foothills are located just 2 blocks from our home. We bike all over the trails and roads here as well as along our beautiful 25 miles Boise Greenbelt.


What do you do to make biking better where you live?

I am the volunteer bicycle coordinator at my workplace. I work hard to promote biking to work as an alternative to cars. I also work with many bike advocate groups to promote awareness, events as well as getting more women to bike.

A suggestion for people interested in biking but have safety concerns? Or, how did you get comfortable with using your bike for transportation?

Find a buddy that likes to ride and knows the rules. Be aware and get the proper education on how to ride safely and legally and practice for unexpected things to happen. Choose safe routes and get out there!

Tips for dealing with helmet hair?

I have short hair on purpose which allows me to still have a cute and put together look at work. Sometimes it gets crazy but keeping a couple of products in your bag or at work can usually deal with it.
Tell us about some things you do to live an eco-friendly lifestyle. Mostly riding to work each day, we try to buy recycled products, we upcycle a lot of things as well as try not to be a mass consumer of "disposables".

If you could take a bike ride with anyone (living or dead) who would it be, where would you go, and why?

Ooooh, well, Prince is/was my all time favorite artist and I know he loved to ride around Paisley Park. I'd ride with him.

If you could take a bike vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go, and why?

I would love to bike in Denmark!!! Most friendly bicycle place in the world! We have Scandinavian heritage and this is definitely on my bucket list!

Tell us about a time you surprised yourself by accomplishing something that you previously thought impossible or super hard.

Last year I road a 60-mile gravel grinder through Sun Valley Idaho, something I cannot believe or imagine I would ever be doing at age 47! Lots of elevation gain!

What do you like most about your Po Campo bag?

I love my Bergen Pannier because it's stylish, functional and so easy to use. I've had it over a year now and it's my daily bag. I can take it on or off the bike and not look like a complete dork!
How do you describe Po Campo to friends - or - what do you think is special about Po Campo? Design+functionality+mission. All superb qualities that I look for. The products are thoughtfully designed and tested by REAL bikers.

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