For us ladies, many of our first bikes were something like a purple Schwinn model with handlebar streamers and a plastic basket on the front. Eventually, we traded up for sleeker, more adult bikes, but many of us miss the pizazz of that old Schwinn. Lucky for us, cool bike accessories have evolved, and you can now bedazzle your ride in a variety of useful and unique ways. Here are some of our favorites:
A Bike Planter:

Source: Etsy
Like carrying the green world with you, or having something pleasant to sniff when biking through a traffic jam? Then you might be ready for this awesome bike vase, one of our favorite cool bike accessories. It latches right onto the handlebars and is perfect for a small bouquet. Our favorite thing about this 3D-printed accessory is that it’s made of soft, durable nylon- which means you don’t have to worry about smashed porcelain should you ever have an accident. Wearable Planter sells several versions on Etsy.
A Sidecar Sipper:

Source: Uncommon Goods
Become the hero of your biking group with this fantastic beverage carrier that Velcros on right under your crossbar. In a cheery orange hue and with soft-sided, durable construction, the six-pack beverage holder is perfect for chilled water, fresh squeezed juices, or sips of any sort. It also means you can be a little more eco-friendly by biking to your next BBQ while still observing BYOB- but remember, biking and alcohol do not mix! It’s available at Uncommon Goods, along with other cool bike accessories.
A Beverage Butler:

Source: Shapeways
You’ve been biking for miles, and have started to fantasize about that ice-cold bottle of orange soda tucked into your handy six pack carrier. You pull over by a field of wildflowers, pull out your still-chilled bottle, and – oh NO! It’s not a twist-off cap?? Well, the geniuses at Shapeways have prevented you from ever having to deal with this nightmare thanks to their sleek Road Popper, which mounts to the rails underneath your saddle. Available in a variety of finishes, this is one of the most perfect cool bike accessories for the thirsty rider. Get yours at
Not only will these cool bike accessories make your ride look a little dressier, their useful functions turns your ride into a multi-tool! So stop and smell the roses (on your handlebars) while you pause on your ride to open and sip a beverage that’s as cool as your tricked-out bike!