What is it about the 21st century lifestyle that makes days seem about five hours too short? When you’re balancing work, school, home life, exercise- not to mention needing to sleep for a few hours in there- it can truly seem as if there’s not enough time for half of your commitments.
One thing that can help with a breakneck life pace is making sure your style routine is as efficient as possible. After all, who wants to be stuck in front of a mirror forever when there’s a whole world out there to explore? Here are some great busy style tips to get you out of the bathroom and into the world as fast as possible.

No Chip Manicures:
If you have a job or personal style that involves a manicure, long-lasting no-chip manicures can be a serious time-saver. No chip manicures, which are typically done at a salon and take about an hour, come in two types: gel and shellac. They can generally last at least two weeks, though some salons stake their claims on manicures that last up to a month!
Experts do suggest taking a break between no chip manicures, however, as they can lead to nail drying if done every two weeks. Also, since many are dried under a UV light, be sure to slather some sunscreen on your hands first to prevent damage!

High Tech Hair Towel:
Anyone with long or thick locks knows that natural drying can be an all day problem, while hours under the hair dryer leads to damage and breakage. One thing that can help speed up your drying process dramatically is a quick-drying hair towel. These towels, typically made of microfiber, are super-absorbent, meaning they suck water right out of your hair. A microfiber or quick-dry towel can lead to greatly reduced drying time and get you out the door faster.

Straighten Up:
The key to a fast beauty routine is not having to search through a sink full of products to find the one thing you need. If counter space is tight, store items in mason jars in groups. For instance, one large mason jar can hold makeup brushes, another can hold combs and hair brushes, while a third has your skincare routine. Keep your actual makeup in a case grouped by product, and watch how fast you get through your routine without having to dig through layers of things you don’t need.
With these simple tips, a fast and efficient style routine will emerge out of the clutter. Just imagine what you can do with that extra time!